In This Issue
- Spring into Records Management
- Better Together
- DRMC Spring Cleaning
- Training Dates
- New Disposition Handout
Spring into Records Management
April is Records and Information Management Month (RIMM), and it’s almost here! Records and Information Management Services will be recognizing RIMM with a presentation of little tips and pointers that will have a big impact on your daily records management practice. Join us Wednesday, April 19, 2:00-3:00 pm; sign up on UTLearn.
Better Together
University departments have a shared responsibility with Records and Information Management Services to systematically control the records of the university from their creation to their final disposition, whether that is destruction of the record or transfer of the record to archives. — Handbook of Operating Procedures Section 20.1
DRMC Spring Cleaning
The Department Records Management Contact (DRMC) is a critical link in the records management partnership. Each department is required by university policy to designate a DRMC. Do you know who your DRMC is? RIMS has created a list of DRMCs for you to see who is listed as your department or unit’s DRMC.
No DRMC? Incorrect DRMC? Need to list yourself as the DRMC? Use the new DRMC OHS Update Request Form!
Records and Information Management Training Offerings
Records and Information Management for Department Records Managers provides an overview of university records management requirements, practices, and procedures.
- IG101 covers practical aspects of departmental records management, including conducting a records inventory, developing the Departmental Records Management Plan, and understanding departmental duties when imaging records.
- Each DRMC is required to take IG101 once upon being designated a DRMC and may enroll for it subsequently as a refresher. Supervisors and staff who have records responsibilities or duties but are not designated DRMC also benefit from attending IG101.
IG103: Records and Information Management: What Everyone Needs to Know about University Records provides an overview of records and information management at UT Austin and is intended to help all university community members understand their responsibilities for managing state records.
When and Where
RIMM Event, April 19, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- May 4, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- July 19, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- October 11, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- May 11, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- July 27, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
- October 12, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Legally Defensible Disposition
Protect the university, your department, and yourself: know the rules before disposing of university records. Whether it is zombie records from the distant past or the minutes from last year’s staff meeting, RIMS procedures are required when disposing of university records. Have a look at the new Disposition Handout; it covers all aspects of legally defensible disposition of university records.
News and information from Records and Information Management Services
If you are not a designated department records management contact (DRMC) listed in the OHS and would like to receive records management news and information updates, subscribe to our RM Contacts mailing list.
On the Record Archive
Contact RIMS
- Email:
- Website: