Developing a Records Management Plan (RM Plan) is not only required, it is also a useful way to manage records at a departmental level. An RM Plan helps your department to understand their records and their responsibilities as keepers of state records, maintains continuity, and lays out a strategy for ensuring confidential data is kept secure and mandatory standards are met across campus.
When creating a Records Management Plan, you can use the RIMS template (doc) by replacing the bracketed generic information with your department’s specific information. You can view a sample RM Plan (doc) to get a better idea of how the template can be used. You can also use your own format and style, but be sure to include all the elements from HBP Part 20.4.3 Records Management Plan.
Departmental Management of Imaged Master Records Acknowledgment
Download the PDF and file as part of your Records Management Plan.
Records Management Plan Template
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