NOTE: IDS requires electronic submission of all vouchers, unless a business exception is approved. Please contact IDS to discuss your business justification before submitting paper documents.
Know Where to Upload Documents
- Determine which folder(s) you should be using to upload your documents by referring to step two on Submitting Documents for Imaging
- Email IDS to request access for electronic submission and identify the folders to which you need access
- IDS will send notification when you have been granted access or will ask for further information if necessary
- Note: Supervisory or departmental approval may be needed to grant authorization for IDS to add you or your department
Prepare Your Cover Sheets
All documents must have a *DEFINE cover sheet. The cover sheet, also known as the Voucher Transmittal Form (VTF), contains information that determines how a document will be categorized, imaged, and retained. The VTF must be submitted as grayscale (black and white) PDFs.
- While there are multiple options to print your cover sheets, it is recommended that you print from *DEFINE to Green Output. Refer to AskUs answer 8705.
- The Green Output printing option is recommended for most users, but there are other options available. Please contact IDS for alternate instructions and support.
These instructions support creating PDF documents that are compatible with the KTA enterprise image capture software. Submitting documents incompatible with the image capture software can cause significant delays in processing your payment because either the incompatible imaged voucher is rejected by the IRS repository or because the incompatibility causes the image released to the IRS repository to have one or more blank or unreadable pages. When detected by IDS these images can be corrected by the IDS imaging techs, but the additional time spent correcting multiple incompatible vouchers may cause delays in processing your document and may also impact all users.
Multiple Cover Sheets Per PDF
There can be only one cover sheet (VTF) per document to be imaged. If the support documentation for a voucher is comprised of other vouchers containing coversheets you must draw a heavy line through the text and Doc ID at the top of the page. In addition, BACKUP may be written on each supporting voucher transmittal form.
If a voucher intended as support is not properly marked, the imaging software will automatically separate the support voucher into a separate document rendering your document incomplete.
Add Your Support Documentation
Once you have created the PDF cover sheet, add receipts, authorizations, and other support documentation required to process the voucher for payment. The documentation may be in paper or digital form. Use the corresponding link below for instructions:
- Combine Cover Sheet and Support Documentation to Create a Single PDF (link to PDF)
- Convert Support Documentation from Paper to PDF
- Resolving Issues with Digital Support Documentation
Prepare PDF to be Uploaded
- Save the PDF with the file name of [DOCID].pdf, e.g., 20VP200320.pdf. Do not included additional information such as vendor name
- Each PDF must consist of a single voucher. Do not save multiple vouchers to be processed for payment into one file
- If the voucher has supporting documentation that includes other vouchers, mark out the text and DOC ID of the supporting vouchers
Upload PDF
Upload the prepared PDF to the correct location.
- Upload the PDF to the correct UT Box folder that was identified in step two on Submitting Documents for Imaging.
- Uploading to the incorrect folder interrupts the Imaging and Payment Services workflows and will cause delays in your documents being processed.
Verify and Retain Your Documents
Departments are required to retain a departmental copy of the uploaded vouchers in case they need to be resubmitted for any reason. Departments must keep that copy until they have verified that the vouchers have been final approved or released to the Image Retrieval System (IRS).
Note that vouchers uploaded for Payment Processing have different verification requirements than those uploaded to the Final Approved folder. Please refer to the third step in Submitting Documents for Imaging for verifying and retaining your local copies.
Contact RIMS
- Location:
Records and Information Management
MAI 132
110 Inner Campus Dr. Stop K5400
Austin, Texas 78712
- Email:
- Phone: