Scan the support documentation to produce legible PDFs that Payment Services uses to approve and process payments. If a page or pages are too dark or too light, a corrected scan will be required before assembling the final PDF.
Quality Considerations
When converting support documentation from paper, consider the following.
Documentation printed on dark/colored paper; images with black borders; photographs; and newspaper items are often rejected by the imaging capture software.
- Support items that are very dark or are mostly photographs or solid graphic images must be preprinted on a copier to produce a lighter image and reduce flecks and visual “noise.”
- Images with dark borders should be cropped and placed on white paper before scanning.
- Close the copier cover when scanning images.
- The corrected copy can then be added to the other support documents to be scanned.
- Do not use a lighter setting for all support documents!
- Documents that are too light will not be detected by the imaging software.
- You may need to sharpen or darken scans of receipts printed on shiny heat-sensitive paper.
- Ensure that the scanned images are ready for the imaging software.
- Not blurry or out of focus
- Legible
- Not too dark (no dark backgrounds or borders) or too light
Converting to PDF
- PDFs must be submitted as grayscale (black and white).
- If supporting documentation, such as receipts, are in color, the documentation must be converted to grayscale (black and white) by re-printing the documents using the Adobe Acrobat printer function. (OS X users have access to different print-to-PDF options.)
- Click on File and select Print, which brings up a print box. Choose Properties.

- Select Paper/Quality tab and choose Black and White:

- Click OK and Print. You will be directed to save the PDF to a file location. Select the file destination and click Save.
- You might need to reduce the file size of your PDF. There are three options for this; select one that works for you.
Option 1
- Select File, then scroll down and select Save As, and then a dialogue box allows selection “Reduce File Size.”

Option 2
- Click File in the upper left-hand corner.
- From the drop-down menu, scroll down and hover your cursor over Save as Other.
- From the drop-down menu that appears, click the option at the top Reduced Size PDF...
- The following box will pop up, and click on OK.

- Click Save.
- If it asks if you want to replace the existing file, choose Yes.
- Then you should be done. Check and see if the newer file you created is much smaller in size, which it should be, and then you should be able to import this file, validate it, verify it, and it should export successfully from there.
Option 3
- From the drop-down menu, scroll down and hover your cursor over Save as Other.
- From the drop-down menu that appears, click the fourth option down, Optimized PDF...
- The following box will pop up, and if everything appears exactly as it does in the box below, including a check in the box in the part highlighted in red, clicking OK will reduce the PDF size greatly:

- Click Save.
- If it asks if you want to replace the existing file, choose Yes.
- Then you should be done. Check and see if the newer file you created is much smaller in size, which it should be, and then you should be able to import this file, validate it, verify it, and it should export successfully from there.
Contact RIMS
- Location:
Records and Information Management
MAI 132
110 Inner Campus Dr. Stop K5400
Austin, Texas 78712
- Email:
- Phone: