Upload VP7 Vouchers

Upload your VP7 vouchers using the Box widget below.

Retain a copy until you verify submitted vouchers

  • As the Procard holder, you must be able to produce the voucher and supporting documents upon request. The imaged version in the Image Retrieval System can be used for this purpose provided the department performs the required quality assurance reviews (Third Step). The department is required to retain a copy of the submitted VP7 until the review is completed.

This is only for VP7 Vouchers Created September 1, 2018 or Later

  • Contact IDS if you need to submit VP7 Vouchers created prior to Septembr 1, 2018 or any other type of document.

See Submitting VP7 Vouchers for instructions on how to prepare your document.

Contact RIMS


Records and Information Management
MAI 132
110 Inner Campus Dr. Stop K5400
Austin, Texas 78712



