UT Box Records Metadata Template Guide

The UTRRS Record Retention Metadata template in UT Box can be used to manage university records according to retention requirements found in the University of Texas at Austin Records Retention Schedule (UTRRS). All files uploaded to UT Box are university records.  


Note that master university records require authorization prior to deleting, even when retention requirements have been satisfied. Refer to the guidance for Requires Authorization to Dispose below. 

Applying Box Metadata at UT  

To use the template, add the metadata template to folders or files and then edit the template to fill out any known values for the available fields. Learn more about assigning and editing templates at Box’s Using Metadata page. 


TIP: If you select “Enable Cascade Policy” when you assign the metadata template to a folder, all new and existing items in the folder and its subfolders will be assigned the same template and its values. You can assign default values at the same time you assign the template, but you will be able to update or change individual fields per file or folder. You can also choose to cascade the metadata when you update or add metadata to a folder, and the changes will be assigned to its subfolders and files. CAUTION: This cannot be undone; if you need to unassign the template to all items in the folder and subfolders, you will have to remove it from each item individually. 


UTRRS Record Retention Metadata Template Field Guide  

None of the fields are required, but the more information you enter, the easier it will be to find and manage your records. 

Template Field 

Instructions and Additional Information 

UTRRS Version 

Enter which version of the UTRRS your retention information metadata is based on, e.g., UTRRS 8.0, UTRRS 8.1, etc.  


Records series and retention rules may change with each version of the UTRRS that is released; this field may be needed to search for and identify metadata that needs to be updated to reflect changes in the newest version of the UTRRS.  

UT Item Code 

Enter the UT Item code for the UTRRS record series to which the record pertains, e.g., AALL207 for the Departmental Employee Folders – Staff records series, AALL209 for departmental Faculty Files, AALL358 for Departmental Student Records – Graduate and Undergraduate, etc.  


This is the classification of the record to a records series in the UTRRS; all university records must be classified to a series in the UTRRS or they cannot be disposed.  


A UT Item code is required to know a record’s retention requirements and to complete a request to dispose of records when the record is eligible for disposition. Identifying a UT Item code and UTRRS Version above also allows you confirm or update retention requirements when a new version of the UTRRS is released. 

Retention Period 

Enter the retention period for the record series from the UTRRS, e.g., FE + 3, 4 years, AC + 5, etc. 


The retention period is the length of time a record must be retained before destruction or archival preservation. This may be expressed as years, months, or days, and may be used in conjunction with a retention code. The retention code signifies that the record’s retention is based on a condition being met (also known as event-based retention), where retention is related to a function, activity, or event with an end date. The end date is the trigger for when retention begins. 

Requires Authorization to Dispose? 

Does the record require authorization to dispose from RIMS before it can be deleted?  


The options to choose from are: 

  • Yes (master) 
  • No (copy/transitory) 


Master records require a request to dispose of records and authorization from Records and Information Management Services before the records may be deleted. Convenience copies and transitory information do not require authorization; departments may delete these types of records when they are no longer needed by the department. 

Date Published/Created 

Enter the date the file was originally published or created.  


This metadata is particularly useful because files uploaded to Box do not display the original published or created date; instead, Box shows the date the file was uploaded or last modified. The original creation date is necessary for time-based retention requirements and to make certain the information is available for audits and archival reviews or transfer. 

Record Close Date 

When known, enter the date when the record enters its retention period. For conditional retention codes (AC, AV, LA, US) this field would remain blank until the condition is met and the record close date is known.  


For time-based retention – series with only years, months, or days and no retention code – the record close date is either the published or created date or the date the record was last updated or modified. For the FE code, the record close date is the last day of the fiscal year. For the CE code, the record close date is the last day of the calendar year. For event-based retention, the record close date is the function, activity, or event end date. 

Eligible Disposition Date 

When known, enter the date the record is eligible for disposition. A record is eligible for disposition the first day of the month after it has satisfied UTRRS retention requirements. For retention based on a condition being met, the eligible disposition date is not known until the condition has been met, e.g., event date, last date of enrollment or employment, equipment removed from inventory, etc. 


*NOTE: For records for which an annual authorization has been issued or which do not require a request to dispose of records, a record is eligible for disposition the day after it has satisfied retention requirements.  


This is most useful field for knowing when you are able to dispose of records. By searching on dates using this field, you can create a list of records eligible for disposition, which can be used to create the request to dispose of records you will submit to Records and Information Management Services (RIMS).  


Enter an identifier for the record, e.g., UT EID of the person about which the record pertains, P.O. Number, Doc ID, Asset Tag, Building Code, Project ID, Contract Number, etc. 


Use this to be able to find records related to the same person or thing. For example, when you enter a student’s EID in this field for the records you store related to a particular student, you can search on their EID to find all records that pertain to them. 

ISO Data Classification 

Select the data classification for the record, based on UT Austin’s Data Classification Standard: https://security.utexas.edu/policies/data_classification


The three data classifications are 1) Confidential, 2) Controlled, and 3) Published.  


Does the record require archival review or transfer according to the UTRRS or because of its historical value? 


Select “Yes” if 1) the records series in the UTRRS has an “O” or an “I” in the Archival column or 2) you believe the record should be reviewed by the archivist for their historical value to the university, even though an archival review or transfer is not required. 


Is there is a hold on the record that does not allow the record to be disposed? A record may not be destroyed if there is any action pending against it, even if it meets retention requirements.  


Select “Yes” if there is a hold on the record. Once the hold is released, select “No.”  

Hold Reason and Dates 

If there is a hold on the record, enter the reason, e.g., audit, legal, open records request, etc.; the date of the hold; and the hold release date, when it is known. For contracts, you also must update the Record Close Date with the hold release date due to state law.  


Enter the name of the department, group, committee, person, etc. that created the file. 


Enter a description or any keywords that will help you search for and manage the record(s). 

Contact RIMS


Records and Information Management
MAI 132
110 Inner Campus Dr. Stop K5400
Austin, Texas 78712



