Imaging and Documentation Services (IDS)

Image Retrieval System


Vouchers and support documentation submitted to the Office of Accounting for payment processing are sent to IDS to be imaged as the first step of the payment processing workflow. Units are required to retain a copy of all documentation submitted for payment process imaging until the voucher status is APPROVED in *DEFINE.

Vouchers and support documentation not required to be submitted to the Office of Accounting for payment processing can be submitted directly to IDS to be imaged and retained in the IRS. Fiscal records, such as vouchers final approved by the unit, that are not sent for imaging must be retained by the creating unit in accordance with the UTRRS. Due to the complexity and length of the retention requirements for some fiscal records, it is strongly recommended that departmental fiscal records be submitted for imaging.

Note: Please remember that the final, critical step for imaging vouchers that have been final approved by the originating unit  is to review your documentation in the IRS to ensure that it has been imaged correctly. You must retain a copy of your supporting documentation until you have verified an accurately scanned image in the IRS. See Document Preparation Instructions for further information.

Document creators and approvers, those assigned to desk/view combinations in the document routing path in *DEFINE, those who receive FYI or FYA copies of documents in *DEFINE, and other authorized university employees, may view master records stored in the IRS. Images are accessed by specific document information. You must know the document type and ID number or other identifying information in order to retrieve an image from the IRS at this time.

The system is designed to provide information when it is unable to display an image for a document ID. Before implementing the IRS, the Office of Accounting stored documentation on microfilm. If the documentation you request on the IRS site is available on microfilm, you will get a message with an email address to use for requesting a hard copy.

Imaging and Documentation Services


The University of Texas at Austin
Office of Accounting
Campus Mail Code: K5300
Austin, Texas 78713


